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In RTC 6.0.5, how should we set RTC permissions to restrict the new Rollback option for Streams and Stream components from Operation History?

Christopher Starr (44319) | asked May 30 '18, 6:34 p.m.
edited Jun 01 '18, 2:03 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)
Hello. We are running RTC 6.0.5 Linux using Oracle. We are beginning to use the new Stream Rollback feature available in Eclipse under Team Artifacts > [Project name] > Source Control > right-click [Stream Name] > Show > Operation History > right-click a listed Operation > Rollback. This is a wonderful feature, but we want to restrict its use to certain roles in our Project Team. 

How should we set RTC permissions to restrict the new Rollback option for Streams and Stream components from Operation History? We only want certain roles on the team to have permission to rollback a Stream, or a Stream component. 

Thank you very much for any help you can provide.

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Christopher Starr (44319) | answered May 31 '18, 4:25 p.m.
edited May 31 '18, 4:25 p.m.

The following information was received from IBM on this topic:

The Rollback operation requires the permission to Replace components in the stream.


  1. Navigate to https://<host>:<port>/ccm/
  2. Select the project area.
  3. Click Permissions in the left pane.
  4. Select the process role you would like to change the permissions for.

In the Source Control section, expand Save Stream > Modify > Stream > Modify the stream components > Replace components in the stream.

Note: the Rollback option in the Eclipse menu is never grayed out, even when a user does NOT have permission to "replace components in the stream". This is expected. If/when this user tries to run "Rollback" on a stream (or a stream component), they will receive an error in the Team Advisor view stating that they do not have the required permission, and no action would occur. RTC does not filter out the possible actions in the Eclipse client based on process role permissions.

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