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Is undo available on DOORS Next Gen

James Sullivan (151642) | asked Mar 23 '16, 2:31 p.m.
Is undo available on DOORS Next Gen?

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Mar 23 '16, 4:33 p.m.
As I recall (and I may not be remembering 100% correctly), undo (e.g. control-z) is available while your are making changes to an artifact in the text or diagram editor, but not when you are making/removing links or working on a module (for example (1) each time you click on a new row (artifact) in a module the last one is saved and the new new one is put into edit mode; or (2) changing the structure/order of the artifacts in the module).

Randolph Simmons commented Mar 23 '16, 7:03 p.m.

Do you mean undo or un-delete an artifact?

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