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Permalink to Review

Rachel Heck (1711) | asked Mar 30 '17, 11:02 p.m.

I am testing on Rational DOORS Next Generation version 6.0.3. On our previous version of 5.0.2, I used to be able to get a permalink to the review from the review screen (where participants and artifacts are added). I don't see a way to do this now. We use the permalinks to put on our requirements approval forms. I can open the artifacts within the review, but if there are multiple artifacts, there will be multiple permalinks which isn't ideal. Am I just missing it? 

Thank You!

Accepted answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 30 '17, 11:26 p.m.

Not sure how to get the permalink directly from the web UI of RDNG 6.0.3. But if you send an email to yourself (or anybody for that matter) using the Send Email button within the Review screen, you will get it.

If you don't want to send emails, not email notification is not enabled, you can copy the email content (by default it is the permalink to the review) and paste it into a rich text editor such as Word, and then you can see the link. Not ideal, but it gets the job done.

Rachel Heck selected this answer as the correct answer

Rachel Heck commented Mar 31 '17, 4:15 p.m.

 Thank you! This was very helpful

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