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How do you use MS Word Properties in RPE?

David Clark (2341352) | asked Feb 27 '17, 11:12 a.m.

 I am trying to convert a working template to the MS Word Template with more detail and using MS Word Properties to create a more efficient Word template and cover page.

But I cannot find a good tutorial. I thought I saw one over the summer but cannot find it again. The 6 episode overview of RPE document creat from DNG by Dragos has this in it, and another youtube has it, but they do not cover it in sufficient detail. I am sure I am missing something simple.

Is there a thorough demo of MS Word Properties and RPE and DNG?


2 answers

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Fariz Saracevic (919613) | answered Feb 27 '17, 5:13 p.m.

 If you have MS Word template document, you can just import it in RPE. I suggest to look at the video

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David Clark (2341352) | answered Mar 01 '17, 8:39 p.m.

 I have figured it out. And it is working now.

I know in the newer version you can just drop a template into RPE and it will make the page for you, but using a page out of Dragos' book... I wanted to have the Stylesheet handle all of the up front matter.

My problem was that I was not using the right Data Configuration.

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