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Hi All, I am getting the below error in jazz during command line jazz build.Please suggest.immediate help is appreciated.Thanks in advance.

Tilak Sahoo (112) | asked Jan 28 '16, 2:25 a.m.
edited Jan 28 '16, 4:55 a.m.
01/28/2016 12:35:42.566] -    CMD:/xenv/scripts/bin/THOR/scripts/ZipPackaging.ksh ALM=RTC_cto COMPONENT=11111_CSCX15.2_Source_Component APPID=11111 BUILDID=20160128-0035 USERID=111111 SRCDIR=/BuildDir/RTCWORK/EB_RH6_1/1111_asdfg_Source_Component ENTBUILDTEMP=/BuildDir/RTCWORK/EB_RH6_1//ENTBUILDWORK 
[01/28/2016 12:35:42.566] -    LOG(U):_PackageArchive.log
[01/28/2016 12:35:42.566] -    ERR(U):  _ZipPackaging.err
[01/28/2016 12:35:42.566] - WF:5    JG:1    ST:1   Name:PackageArchive  Status:Not Started    
[01/28/2016 12:35:42.566] -    CMD:/xenv/scripts/bin/THOR/scripts/PackageArchive.ksh WORKFLOWTYPE=MANUAL ALM=RTC_cto COMPONENT=11111_CSCX15.2_Source_Component APPID=11111 BUILDID=20160128-0035 USERID=11111 SRCDIR=/BuildDir/RTCWORK/EB_RH6_1/11111_asdfg_Source_Component ENTBUILDTEMP=/BuildDir/RTCWORK/EB_RH6_1//ENTBUILDWORK 
[01/28/2016 12:35:42.566] -    LOG(U):_PackageArchive.log
[01/28/2016 12:35:42.566] -    ERR(U):_ZipPackaging.err
[01/28/2016 12:35:42.566] - ######################################################################

[01/28/2016 12:38:42.748] - Not all workers finished cleanly.
Build failed. Exit value was 1.

Kim Soederhamn commented Jan 28 '16, 3:35 a.m.

The user running the build engine has access to the temp folder ? and the user running the build has access to the PA and has a jazzadmin role and a license ? Did the build work before ?

Tilak Sahoo commented Jan 28 '16, 4:41 a.m.

Nop.I am doing the setup for my team freshly.

Tilak Sahoo commented Jan 28 '16, 4:45 a.m.

 Have the following roles:

Project Area Administrator, Build Engineer, Configuration Manager, Team Lead, Developer.

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