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RQM/RTC Integration

Beau Steward (61) | asked Jul 20 '09, 10:37 a.m.
I apologize if this is resolved or otherwise answered, but I did quite a bit of searching and couldn't find a resolution.

I'm attempting to integrate a new install of RQM with a new install of RTC. The RTC instance is up and running using MSSQL as the database backend. RQM is up and running using the same database system. Each app is on their own server, so no cohabitation is being used for the apps, just the databases are on the same server.

I followed the documentation on integration here:

Under "Setting up build integration with Rational Team Concert" in step 3, I followed the steps and the dialog shows activity with the scrolling bar, but nothing is happening. I wasn't able to find anything useful to explain what was going on in the logs from either server.

To make sure the servers could talk to each other, I did the configurations in the integration docs, and rechecked the configurations several times, but doing them for each server from the other server (logged in to server A through RDC, accessed server B's app page for configuration, and vice versa).

I'm using RTC 2.0 and RQM 2.0 beta. This is a test pilot so the 2.0 beta was desired until the 2.0 release, since this is not a production install (yet).

Any help would be appreciated.

5 answers

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Goshen Pan (106) | answered Jul 20 '09, 11:26 a.m.
I apologize if this is resolved or otherwise answered, but I did quite a bit of searching and couldn't find a resolution.

I'm attempting to integrate a new install of RQM with a new install of RTC. The RTC instance is up and running using MSSQL as the database backend. RQM is up and running using the same database system. Each app is on their own server, so no cohabitation is being used for the apps, just the databases are on the same server.

I followed the documentation on integration here:

Under "Setting up build integration with Rational Team Concert" in step 3, I followed the steps and the dialog shows activity with the scrolling bar, but nothing is happening. I wasn't able to find anything useful to explain what was going on in the logs from either server.

To make sure the servers could talk to each other, I did the configurations in the integration docs, and rechecked the configurations several times, but doing them for each server from the other server (logged in to server A through RDC, accessed server B's app page for configuration, and vice versa).

I'm using RTC 2.0 and RQM 2.0 beta. This is a test pilot so the 2.0 beta was desired until the 2.0 release, since this is not a production install (yet).

Any help would be appreciated.

Hope this technote is helpful -

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Beau Steward (61) | answered Jul 20 '09, 1:39 p.m.
Just to clarify, in the Project Area Linking section, number 11 reads:

Do the same for RQM Project. The link from RQM to RTC is called Tested.

There is no selection called Tested. There is Tested by and Tests. I'm assuming it's Tests?

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Halil Bahadır (1113924) | answered Aug 18 '09, 1:44 a.m.
Just to clarify, in the Project Area Linking section, number 11 reads:

Do the same for RQM Project. The link from RQM to RTC is called Tested.

There is no selection called Tested. There is Tested by and Tests. I'm assuming it's Tests?

If you select "TESTS" it works..


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Rudolph Awotwi (1174) | answered Aug 20 '09, 4:15 p.m.
Using Tests doesn't work for me. I get an "Invalid path to authentication servlet.: /j_security_check" when provide my password for the login page after i select Add under Links.

This happens when i'm adding links on the rqm:9444/jazz page. Linking RQM to RTC.

The linking on rtc:9443/jazz page was successful though.

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Goshen Pan (106) | answered Aug 26 '09, 9:44 p.m.
Using Tests doesn't work for me. I get an "Invalid path to authentication servlet.: /j_security_check" when provide my password for the login page after i select Add under Links.

This happens when i'm adding links on the rqm:9444/jazz page. Linking RQM to RTC.

The linking on rtc:9443/jazz page was successful though.

Hi, is this still stick? If so, can you please try to clear your browser's cache and try the setting up again?

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