Logged out - fix???
OK, I am in trouble. This is what happened. We have only one Quality Manager and I was moving it from person to person and the browser quit on me.
Now I can not get in, this is the message I get:
You have successfully logged into Jazz Team Server but you are not authorized to access Rational Quality Manager.
Contact your Jazz Team Server Administrator to learn how to get access.
Return to the Log In screen.
The problem is, there is no user with the Rational Quality Manager checked - i.e. nobody can get in from the front end, am I right?
How can this be fixed? From Apache? Some database setting?
Please, help.
Thank you
Now I can not get in, this is the message I get:
You have successfully logged into Jazz Team Server but you are not authorized to access Rational Quality Manager.
Contact your Jazz Team Server Administrator to learn how to get access.
Return to the Log In screen.
The problem is, there is no user with the Rational Quality Manager checked - i.e. nobody can get in from the front end, am I right?
How can this be fixed? From Apache? Some database setting?
Please, help.
Thank you
2 answers
Log in at /jazz/admin (instead of /jazz/web/console ) with any user ID that has JazzAdmin repository permissions. Through the Jazz server admin interface, you can assign Quality Manager client access licenses to one or more of your users. You should then be able to log in at /jazz/web/console again.