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Unable to choose non default editor types with custom work item type

Fred Bickford (281832) | asked Jun 08 '15, 10:37 a.m.
edited Jun 08 '15, 1:35 p.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)
 I have created a new RTC work item type that I duplicated from defect, and created it with a new category as I wish to have a different process/default values etc...

when I go to choose the various Workitem editors(other than the first work item editor), Inline Editor,Lightweight,plan editor etc.. 
do not allow me to click edit(the drop down is enabled, yet does not show the editors that i have created
looking to see how I can select a specific editor.

Ralph Schoon commented Jun 09 '15, 3:08 a.m.

I have never experienced anything like that. Can you provide a screenshot? Otherwise I'd open a support request.

Fred Bickford commented Jun 09 '15, 12:50 p.m.

I cannot add an attachment unfortunately, as it says I dont rate high enough :-)..yet send you both  ascreenshot
directly(sorry for that)  

I am doing all my work in the eclipse client.

To duplicate it I went into editor presentations selected the default defect editor then clicked duplicate
provided a name for my defect type (I wanted to start with the base defect and change it slightly)

somewhere during the editing/unlocking of a section (I thought I was pretty careful to create duplicates rather then unlock and make changes across my copy and the original defect) somehow how the header was removed..

If I try to reuse the existing header for the default defect, it says " slot must not be empty"



Stephanie Bagot commented Jun 09 '15, 1:05 p.m.

OK, so I went into editor presentations and duplicated editor.default and named it 'test'. The header persisted.
However, if you want to re-add the header, see my comment here:

When you add header, choose to re-use an existing section: There are no entries under Key/Value for the default header.
By selecting the section I mentioned above, the "OK" dialog should be enabled.

The slot it uses is the "Header Section" (which is normally shared). I couldn't tell from your screenshot, but perhaps this is what is empty. If it is, you may have replaced the default section with an empty one.

Fred Bickford commented Jun 09 '15, 2:01 p.m.

additionally adding a summary to the details section(submission of WI fails without summary ) does not work, so RTC must expect summary and state to be in the header

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Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered Jun 09 '15, 12:00 p.m.
How did you duplicate the work item? If it is using it's own category, then it won't duplicate anything from the other work item types.
Are you customizing your work items in the web? Make sure you are using a supported browser, or even try to save the project area and then logout. Can you edit the drop downs now? If not, I would agree with Ralph and suggest you open up a PMR with support.

Fred Bickford commented Jun 09 '15, 12:50 p.m.

see comment on thread above

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