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Error Linking an RQM Test Case to a Model Element in RDM

I am in an RQM Test Case RQM under the Requirements Link Section, I want to link the Test Case to a Sequence Diagram in RDM. I select the sequence diagram in RDM, Select OK. The link shows up in RQM. But when I go to save the Test Case…. I get this error message.
One answer


I have other RQM projects that can create the link from RQM to RDM without the error, so I know it works, I think it a configuration issue and we are trying to figure out what is different between the XYZ (qm) / XYZ (dm) projects and the ABC (qm) / ABC(dm) projects. I can link the Test Cases to Sequence Diagrams in the XYZ projects, but not in the ABC projects.
Donald Nong
May 26 '15, 9:01 p.m.Review your qm.log file and look for the (some long identifier), and try to access link https://rdm-xxxxxxx in a REST client and see what is the content being returned.