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Error Linking an RQM Test Case to a Model Element in RDM

Julie DeMeester (13616) | asked May 26 '15, 1:22 p.m.

I am in an RQM Test Case RQM under the Requirements Link Section, I want to link the Test Case to a Sequence Diagram in RDM.  I select the sequence diagram in RDM, Select OK.  The link shows up in RQM.    But when I go to save the Test Case…. I get this error message.

Details about the error were written to the log file.  to find this data, search the log file for this identifier (some long identifier).  The OSLC resource at https://rdm-xxxxxxx does not specify an RDF Type. 


Donald Nong commented May 26 '15, 9:01 p.m.

Review your qm.log file and look for the (some long identifier), and try to access link https://rdm-xxxxxxx in a REST client and see what is the content being returned.

One answer

permanent link
Mehul Patel (9695) | answered May 27 '15, 5:00 a.m.

The integration between RDM and RQM is unidirectional. You can create a link from RDM artifact to RQM test case but not vice versa.

Please refer Associating RDM to RQM for more detail.

Julie DeMeester commented May 27 '15, 4:31 p.m.

I have other RQM projects that can create the link from RQM to RDM without the error, so I know it works, I think it a configuration issue and we are trying to figure out what is different between the XYZ (qm) / XYZ (dm) projects and the ABC (qm) / ABC(dm) projects.  I can link the Test Cases to Sequence Diagrams in the XYZ projects, but not in the ABC projects. 

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