RQM not assigning all available adapters to Test Suite Execution

One answer

It may happens if other 10 adapters are already reserved by the other user. Please check the reservation for corresponding lab resource.

Also check the "Preferred machine" for the test script. If you are using command line test script, use shared location instead of resources local to a machine.

Confirmed that no other users reserved the machines. As far as the Preferred machines, all the test machines are setup to have the resources they need for testing on the machines. We don't want to use a shared network location for resources.

In that case it will run on the preferred machine if available.

You can do 1 more thing. Copy the same folder structure with the test script in all the machine. From the ETM / RQM web UI, open each test script and clear the "Preferred machine" and save the test script

To allow for automation we made sure none of the test scripts have a Preferred Machine set. The majority of tests are using the Eggplant Adapter where preferred machines isn't an option.