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Associating RDM to RQM

Ahmed Omair (41335) | asked Feb 23 '14, 8:45 a.m.
Hello everyone,

When i try to associate an RQM project area to RDM project area CLM provides me following options.

Provides - Change Requests
Provides - Implementation Requests
Provides - Quality Management Artifacts
Provides - Requirements change requests
Uses - Requirements

Which is the best association type between these two?

Also is their a way to create a section in Test cases to link Design Artifacts?

Accepted answer

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Steve Arnold (28131511) | answered Feb 25 '14, 5:30 p.m.
Whilst andrey is right, I had a little play.  In theory RQM consumes requirements and RSADM provides the requirement spec so you should be able to wire them up together ( its not necessarily something we've tested - but it might have worked).

So I tried - and it nearly works.  You can go to the RQM project area and link it to RSADM and make RSADM provide requirements.  Then from a test case you can add a requirement link and choose a model element - which all works.

Bad news is that you can't save the test case as it doesn't like the link from RSADM for some reason.  I've raised a defect - which you can find here...

Ahmed Omair selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Charlie Seo (22127) | answered Feb 23 '14, 5:54 p.m.
How you execute Test case for design artifacts? Are your design artifacts testable? I guess general practise for testing a design artifact would be through a requirement that is associated with design artifacts.

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Andrey Karaulov (1861) | answered Feb 24 '14, 9:41 a.m.
Hello Ahmed,

The integration between RDM and RQM is unidirectional.
You can create a link from RDM artifact to RQM test case but not vice versa.
While establishing an association between projects (from RDM project to RQM project) you can setup any association type.


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