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Problem getting RTC email configuration working

Gary Day (181114) | asked Jul 03 '14, 8:50 a.m.

We are trying to get email configuration set up. We have edited the relevant fields but a test email gets a Could not connect to SMTP host, port:25 Permission denied: connect error.

We have opened relevant port on our IRONPORT system and Firewall but still no mails get through. Our server engineer said McAfee has a setting (from our IT Security dept) to block transmission on port 25 to stop mass emailing worms, BUT exceptions can be added for a specific .exe from the RTC server for this communication.

Does anybody know which .exe RTC uses for the sending emails task?

Kevin Ramer commented Jul 03 '14, 9:02 a.m.

Beginning with v3, the JTS handles the e-mail chores.  So the exe will likely be java, as far as I'm aware all activity on the RTC server is within that java process and its threads ( i.e. no calls to other executables )

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Gary Day (181114) | answered Jul 03 '14, 10:20 a.m.
Do you mean the java add-in to IE (because I have no java process running on the RTC server (it is a simple test config with everything on the same box)?

Kevin Ramer commented Jul 03 '14, 10:47 a.m.

One can deploy into one of two application servers: WebSphere or Tomcat.  Both use a Java Runtime so the process list on the server should show Java.  (At least it does on a unix server )

Another thought I had: In the past our corporation blocked outbound mail when the sender did not have a "valid" domain.  I.e the sender address would have some host only known within the corporate intranet.   Our solution was a fake sender with an acceptable domain.
Example ( in the [hopefully] fictional corporation Bizzurd Enterprises )  -- cannot be found from the 'extranet'
but  -- can be found from the 'extranet'

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