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Steps to backup/restore JRS report database?

Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | asked Mar 27 '15, 11:08 a.m.
We are using JRS extensively, and have over 200 custom reports that users have built.    I'm not able to find any documentation about how to backup the database that stores these report definitions.  I'm aware of the Export function, but we would like to do something on a regularly scheduled basis.   Similarly, if we were to have an issue is there documentation on how to restore such a backup?

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Cherie Revells (18111) | answered Apr 09 '15, 11:58 a.m.

JRS does use a Jena TDB data store instead of a Derby DB.  Yes, the steps would be the same as for backing up and restoring the Derby DB in other CLM apps.

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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Mar 30 '15, 11:39 a.m.
It's my understanding that JRS uses a Jena TDB data store instead of a Derby DB, however I can't really confirm this since it's not documented.  If that were the case, are the steps the same?    

Also, there is no JAZZ_HOME/rs/db  folder in my installation.  I did find a /conf/rs/db folder, however.

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Mar 27 '15, 11:35 a.m.
Hello Jackie.

as far as I understand JRS is using a Derby DB located at JAZZ_HOME/rs/db.
To backup should be enough to take a copy of the folder with the server down.

Best Regards,

Francesco Chiossi

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