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RRDI: ger user actual role and role's changes from project area

Renato Mori (10012330) | asked Apr 20 '15, 9:27 p.m.
Is there a way I can get the user role and user role changes using a RRDI report?
I will be very useful for audit reports to identify changes in user permissions.
thanks in advance.

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Kenji Sarai (96029) | answered Apr 29 '15, 10:54 p.m.
Hi Renato,

Project role name and Project member name are loaded to ODS by OOTB ETL job. You can see the latest data in

- Role name
Operational Data Store/Project Area/Project Role/Name
- Project member name
Operational Data Store/Project Area/Project Role Related Resources/Name

However, it is not loaded further to Data Mart such as Fact and Historical Lookup, so you may need customization to display the role history.

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