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DCC/JRS and access rights in ClearQuest or DOORS

Georg Kellner (840481109) | asked Mar 20 '17, 12:31 p.m.

Hi fellows,

we've set up DCC and JRS 6.0.3.
With DCC it's possible to collect data from DOORS and ClearQuest.

We've set up some security restrictions in DOORS and CQ, so the users can see only those requirements or defects he has access to.

Is JRS aware of those security settings?
So a user can only report on DOORS and CQ records, he can see in the applications?

greetings georg.

2 answers

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Mar 21 '17, 5:36 a.m.

Hello Georg,

as far as I know project access control (the security feature that allow users to see only the data from projects they have access to in the tool) only works for the CLM applications.

Best Regards
Francesco Chiossi

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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Mar 21 '17, 10:28 a.m.

If you are customizing your DCC jobs to add in your ClearQuest data, you'd have to add in the mechanism to populate the data warehouse  (RIODS.PROJECT_RESOURCE_LOOKUP table) with the user/project data to enable access control, but I know it can be done because we've implemented it manually with the ETLs - not with DCC yet though. 

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