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Is it possible to export CLM(RTC/RQM/RRC) project form one environment to other?

Qaiser Islam (31297074) | asked Mar 02 '15, 8:05 a.m.
Is it possible to export CLM(RTC/RQM/RRC) project form one environment to other? both environments are on same version 5.0.1 but primary URI is different.

Alastair Beadle commented Mar 02 '15, 8:39 a.m.

The requirements (RRC) part should be transferable using ReqIF (Rev 6.0 Manual: ReqIF) but I have never tried it so I don't know how effective it is and I don't think this will manage your non RRC data - hence just a comment not an answer.

Qaiser Islam commented Mar 02 '15, 8:42 a.m.

yes you can export requirements in ReqIF and import but i dont think it preserve the history.

3 answers

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Vijay Reddy Gaddam (563041) | answered Mar 02 '15, 9:39 a.m.
 Hi Qaiser Islam,

Yes, you can export the CLM project from one environment to Other. It also preserves the history of the files also.

What you need to do is some cofiguration changes.
1. Configuration > Advanced Properties > Enable Distributed SCM to True(On both environments).
2. In source Project Area > Process Configuration > Team Configuration > Permissions > Roles > {select a role}, For that specific role you need to enable Source Control > Replicate ChangeSets(Server).

Could you please let me know the feedback.

Vijay Reddy

Geoffrey Clemm commented Mar 02 '15, 10:14 a.m.

Note that distributed SCM only exports data from SCM components (change sets and baselines) ... it does not migrate any project area data (such as work items and plans).

Qaiser Islam commented Mar 03 '15, 3:09 a.m.

 we need other project artifacts too.

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Mar 02 '15, 10:02 a.m.
To clarify from a Quality Manager standpoint
Currently there is no built in functionality that will allows a user to move a QM based Project Area across  servers; the two other possibility

1) The RQM copy utility
The Utility was never meant to be used as a 'Project Copy', but rather as a means to re-use specific test assets. It is however capable of performing a Deep Copy; this is not a full copy Project Area, but the majority of the Project Area assets are copied
I would fully review the Known Limitations sections of the Wiki ( so that you have a full understanding on what and what does not get copied

2) Server Rename
The Server Rename functionality allows you to copy the entire CLM set up from an existing environment to a new one
A couple of things to consider:
    a) You cannot pick and choose which Project Areas to copy; everything is copied by default
    b) You cannot perform the rename to an existing server (meaning you cant merge data from server A to Server B; server B will be a copy of server A)
If you are interested in Server Rename, there are a few articles on I can point you to.

Qaiser Islam commented Mar 03 '15, 3:07 a.m.

Server rename could work in our case but because of point B, its not applicable. we want to keep existing projects on Server B. Replica does not fulfill our requirements

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William Chen (31215) | answered Mar 10 '15, 4:33 p.m.
Another idea is to use these two steps:

1) Copy server A to server B by following steps on setting up a test staging environment with production data.

2) Perform server rename on server B set a different URI

Also, we have an open RFE to move projects - Plan Item 93151 - [JAF] Support moving projects between Jazz repositories.

Qaiser Islam commented Mar 11 '15, 3:34 a.m.

the suggested approach will create a new and exact copy of Server A with different URI but in our case we have some projects on Server B which we want to keep while moving some projects from Server A

William Chen commented Mar 11 '15, 2:50 p.m. | edited Mar 12 '15, 2:08 a.m.

If that is the case, you would need to run two separate JTS instances on Server B. For example, you can change the port number on second instance as part of your server rename procedures. Note: Running multiple JTS instances on the same server would introduce performance issues on production deployment.

Benjamin Chodroff commented Mar 12 '15, 2:30 a.m. | edited Mar 12 '15, 10:09 p.m.

If you really want to preserve everything, your only current option is to clone the database, perform a server rename, and then archive/delete everything you don't need. Not ideal, but it works.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Mar 12 '15, 10:17 p.m.

Note that if you have any OSLC links from another Jazz repository pointing to objects in your database, you cannot use the "clone/rename/partial-archive" approach.   When you rename a repository, it tells the other Jazz repositories to use the new repository location when navigating OSLC links.   So after the rename, no links from other repositories will take you to the original repository.  So in particular, any links to artifacts in project areas that you left on the original repository would take you to the new repository (i.e. effectively point at the archived copies in the new repository).

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