Different components visibility in a single stream
Hello to all
We have the following scenario:
- components source code
- component "delivery" with executables and some configurations
All components are part of the same stream (in order to keep the alignment between source and related "deliver").
My question is: is it possibile to restrict the visibility of a group of user to only the component "delivery" ?
If not, we have to split the original stream into two (such as "source" and "delivery" streams) ?
Thank you
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Perhaps in my project area I have to create 2 different team areas: one for developers and one for users.
The developer team area access to all components
The users team area access only to "delivery" component.
I'm I right?
Thank you
Yes, I would think that would do it.
At the end we have done following solution:
Created a team area "developers" inside the project area.
Changed the ownership of source code components to the developers team area and limited the visibility of those components to the team area.
Created a stream with both source and delivery.
By acting in this way, all other members of PA are able to see only delivery component while team area members can access to any component.
Job done.
Thank you for your help.
Best Regards