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RTC work items -> TFS Git Source control -- Help!

RTC 502
TFS 2015
Hello all,
I received a request from a department that uses TFS. They want to use RTC to monitor work items, and use MS TFS (2015) for their current TFS Git source code repository. Can I just use the RTC connection information to connect to MS's version of Git? (I'm told it's like Github.)
Does this require me to upgrade to 6.x?
TFS 2015
Hello all,
I received a request from a department that uses TFS. They want to use RTC to monitor work items, and use MS TFS (2015) for their current TFS Git source code repository. Can I just use the RTC connection information to connect to MS's version of Git? (I'm told it's like Github.)
Does this require me to upgrade to 6.x?
Accepted answer

I doubt anyone here on the forum can answer this question. You can use the GIT integration available for your RTC version. You would have to check if the documentation works with The MS variant of GIT.
2 other answers

The Git integrations were extended and simplified in RTC 6.0.1 + to support Git, GitHub and Gitlab, There is a slide deck describing all the capabilities of each of the three Git integrations see:
It is possible that Microsoft uses a standard underlying Git core of course and setting it up with the Git core model may work. But we do not test TFS-Git so defects reported will need to be reproducible in the 3 Gits we do integrate with. Of course you can always run RTC Tracking and Planning (RTC Contributor) with any Git without using the integration itself as well.

If Microsoft has followed the usual hooks mechanism in their Git distribution, then RTC tracking and planning should work out of the box. If the way to extend TFS Git is different, then RTC won't work out of the box.
Also for RTC process to work, the Git installation and the RTC installation need a common user base such as being served by the same LDAP. For just work item linking, you won't need that.
RTC Technical Lead