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Load files with *.vdx extension

Hi all,
Need some help here.
How to load all of the visio (*.vdx) files from a component?
1. The component contains many folders;
2. The visio files can be under multiple subfolders
For example,
National (A component)- Folder1- Folder1.1- File.txt- Folder1.2- 1A.vdx- 1B.doc- Folder2- 2A.vdx- 2B.doc- 2C.pdf
I would like to have this result in my sandbox, i.e. only vdx extension.National- Folder1- Folder1.2- 1A.vdx- Folder2- 2A.vdx
With this loadrule, I could load the 1A.vdx on the Folder1/Folder1.2.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scm:sourceControlLoadRule xmlns:scm="http://com.ibm.team.scm" version="1"><parentLoadRule><component name="National"/><parentFolder repositoryPath="/Folder1/Folder1.2"/><include><filter pattern="*.vdx"/></include><sandboxRelativePath includeComponentName="true" includeRepositoryPath="true"/></parentLoadRule></scm:sourceControlLoadRule>
Since I wanted to load every vdx within a component, I changed the parentFolder.repositoryPath to "/", i.e. <parentFolder repositoryPath="/"/>. After the change, there is nothing loaded.
Would you please educate me how to load a specific type of file (*.vdx) from a component with includeRepositoryPath?
Best regards,
One answer

Hello James,
this is unsupported at this time, there is a prior similar post on this functionality here https://jazz.net/forum/questions/60583/selective-filter-load-from-stream-or-component.
Please feel free to subscribe yourself to Load rules (44004) or As a user I want to selectively filter the load to only include files matching a particular naming pattern (173153).
this is unsupported at this time, there is a prior similar post on this functionality here https://jazz.net/forum/questions/60583/selective-filter-load-from-stream-or-component.
Please feel free to subscribe yourself to Load rules (44004) or As a user I want to selectively filter the load to only include files matching a particular naming pattern (173153).
James Cheung
Feb 26 '14, 6:49 p.m.Sorry for those garbage confusing characters in the loadrule parentfolder. Here is the clear version ;)