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Failed to install RTC4.0.3 with RAD9.0 with package coexist error

We are having trouble install RTC 4.0.3 client on RAD9.0.
This is what we do:
1. install RAD9.0 via the installation manager on a windows machine
2. download the RTC_4.0_LOC_INS_MPML.zip and launch the RTC installer
4. Switch to "Use the existing package group" option, pick the package group where my RAD is hosting on.
"The package you are installing cannot coexist with a package in this package group" error msg is prompted, any recommendations on how to get RTC plugin working with RAD9.0 would be appreciated.
Accepted answer

Where did you download the RTC_4.0_LOC_INS_MPML.zip?
If you want to install the RTC client onto RAD 9.0, you need to choose the download the Client for Eclipse 4.2.x IDE.
Additionally. check the following wiki page: Troubleshooting the installation of the Rational Team Concert Client on version 9 of IBM IDEs for further troubleshooting information.
Where did you download the RTC_4.0_LOC_INS_MPML.zip?
If you want to install the RTC client onto RAD 9.0, you need to choose the download the Client for Eclipse 4.2.x IDE.
Additionally. check the following wiki page: Troubleshooting the installation of the Rational Team Concert Client on version 9 of IBM IDEs for further troubleshooting information.

Hi Francois,
I downloaded the RTC_4.0_LOC_INS_MPML.zip from internal IBM Software Downloads site and this is the only RTC v4 client install package I could find.
For a new try, I downloaded the RTCv4.0.3 client package from jazz site and install via "Rational Team Concert - Client for Eclipse 4.2.x IDE" and the installation succeeded this time.
So the RTCv4.0.3 in RTC_4.0_LOC_INS_MPML.zip is not for Eclipse 4.2.x IDE, right?
Thank you very much for your help!