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Have RTC 5.2 installed on Linux using Apache and DB2 on another machine. We want to now add DOORS Next Generation and RQM to the environment. What is the install process to do that?

Accepted answer
One other answer

You can add Doors NG and RQM to an existing CLM 5.0.2 topology. These applications would join RTC and the existing Jazz Team Server as additional registered applications.
More information can be found in the Knowledge Center http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_5.0.2/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/c_planning_install.html

Hi Rosa, I installed the RM and QM components on our existing topology and now JTS will not start up. I used the Installation manager with all of the default values and it installed successfully. Are we missing something?

Yes, most likely. This would be hard to diagnose and resolve via the forum. There are many questions to answer. I am not sure if something was overwritten.
****Are you able to contact support about this?
What is your existing topology? For example, if I had a Tomcat+Derby topology with just JTS & RTC, I would install RQM and RDNG. This would lay down the RQM and RDNG components and would not overwrite anything with my JTS or RTC applications. But, I don't know what Installation Manager options you chose. You may have selected JTS and overridden your existing JTS setup. I hope you have backups of your installation directory and databases.

Thanks Rosa...yes will contact support...many thanks!