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Create How To in RTC

Jim Soper (611) | asked Nov 04 '14, 9:43 a.m.
In RTC I'm trying to create a page showing a how to.  I want prepopulated fields where I have a Title and an explanation already entered.  This will be a page for our users to go to, to get terminology, etc.  What kind of field do I use, or can this not be done?

Jim Soper commented Nov 04 '14, 9:45 a.m.

BTW, this 'glossary" will be on a separate tab 

2 answers

permanent link
sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Nov 04 '14, 9:56 a.m.
sure, you can do this.. a large string or html field can hold a lot of stuff.

you can initialize the field with the content u need.. note that html fields do not support ALL html tags.

we did this for a root cause tab on the defect workitem with text already entered to help guide the person completing the page form.  of course this caused some problems with the required fields, cause there was content already present..

permanent link
Rogério Ramos da Silva (33512827) | answered Nov 04 '14, 9:57 a.m.
Hi Jim,

I did exactly what you've mentioned. In my case I used a tab with a single big html field which can be filled using wiki sintax, where you can write a complete how-to to your users.
To pre-populate this "how-to" field and others like title, etc. I took advantage of Workitem template. I wasn't able to find another way than using templates.

sam detweiler commented Nov 04 '14, 10:53 a.m.

you could use the Default Values Workitem attribute Customization mechanism

and assign in the field creation

Jim Soper commented Nov 04 '14, 10:53 a.m.

 Sorry I'm rather new to RTC and can't find where exactly you do this.  Could you provide the steps?

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