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Passing RTC Jenkins/Hudson Build Definition Properties to Jenkins Job

vipul prajapati (1111) | asked Sep 13 '17, 1:13 p.m.

 I am working on RTC-Jenkins Integration Builds. One thing I noticed was when I create Hudson/Jenkins Build Definition, it let me define build properties in properties tab. But when i trigger this build from RTC, the properties are not getting passed to specified Jenkins Job. If it does not get passed then why do we have properties tab in the build definition. or is there any way i can pass these properties in Jenkins job? I am using RTC version 6.0.2 and Jenkins Version is 2.60.2, the Team Concert plugin version in jenkins is 

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Sep 13 '17, 10:44 p.m.

The Properties tab is generic and optional for all build definition types. You can find the supported properties in the Wiki under the title "RTC related Environment Variables available to the Build".

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