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use RQMExcelImporter in excel 2013

Luigi Migliarini (312) | asked Oct 31 '14, 9:27 a.m.
I installed the following products on the windows 7:
  • Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile 
  • RQMExcelImporterX64
But when I open the excel the icon to use the utility is not displayed.
I have also checked if the add-ins exists as disabled but it there isn't. 
Is it possible to resolve the problem without  install previous Microsoft Office versions?

Thank you.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Nov 03 '14, 1:10 a.m.
If you have not already done so, please review the below article. The method posted by Reshma is mentioned in it.
Luigi Migliarini selected this answer as the correct answer

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Reshma Ratnani (1.1k1) | answered Nov 02 '14, 11:45 p.m.
 Hi Luigi,

Is Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 64 bit version? 
Also try changing the locale to English in your system language settings.

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Luigi Migliarini (312) | answered Nov 03 '14, 5:23 a.m.
I resolved the problem installing RQMExcelImporterSetup instead RQMExcelImporterX64Setup.
Thank you for your help.

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