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Smoke tests when Upgrading from 4.0.1 to 5.0.1

Hi, We are upgrading from JAZZ 4.0.1 to 5.0.1. To save us some time has anyone created any high level smoke test plans for the DOORS, RTC and RQM to test basic functioinality of these tools after upgrading. We want to give these test cases to end-users to help us out to ensure the upgrade was successful. Even if it isn't from 4.0.1 to 5.0.1 these testcases/plans would be very useful. Anyone that has done this could save us a lot of ground work and earn our eternal gratitude :)
One answer

You can use the own links on Infocenter, as a checklist:
Keith Murray
Dec 01 '14, 2:27 p.m.We have now decided to go to 5.0.2 when it comes out. The answer provided was good, and gives some of what I need but it is based on a server rename. I am more interested in some sort of set of inctructions to test the basic functionality of RTC, DOORs and RQM after an upgrade. ie: perform a successful check-in/out, run a build, create an artiface, create a test plan - very basic....