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Swap Size for a CLM Installation on Linux, AIX

Fabian Briseño (9410) | asked Jul 23 '15, 12:21 p.m.
Hello Everyone.
Just a quick question here since I have not found anything related to this.

Is there a recommended Swap Size on a Linux or AIX server when Installing CLM, RTC, etc.

Yes I got the minimum CPUs, RAM, disk Space, etc but I see no information related to SWAP size, does it matter to CLM, RTC?

And touching the SWAP size subject and based on previous experience I found it prudent to follow up on the manufacturers recommendation regarding system requirements.


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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jul 28 '15, 5:27 a.m.
The CLM applications do not utilize the SWAP space directly hence no documentation on that.
Fabian Briseño selected this answer as the correct answer

Fabian Briseño commented Jul 28 '15, 11:05 p.m.

Hello Donald.
Is there any documentation on this?

Donald Nong commented Jul 29 '15, 12:44 a.m.

I'm not aware of such documents as it should be quite obvious. I will be surprised that if you can find any applications that can access the Swap space/partition directly. For more information about the Swap space, take a look at the following blogs ( you can find many more on the net).

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