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How to prevent losing local clmhelp content during installation of the server patch?

Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | asked Apr 13 '15, 4:04 a.m.
edited Apr 13 '15, 9:23 a.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)
Dear All,

I recently installed ifix004 on my system. There it's written you should "Clean the application server cache" by "Remove contents from these directories under the profile root: temp,tranlog,wstemp,workspace."

But if you follow this, you will loose all local clmhelp content you have installed by loading the help update site with help of the Help Administration application.
This is, because the clmhelp content is loaded into JTS profile temp directory e.g.

I think people should be warned about this fact, when following the readme of the ifix's.

My questions are now:
- Have I done something wrong, that the help content is loaded into temp?
- How can I configure the Help Administration to load the help content into another directory than into temp so it is more persistent?


Ralph Schoon commented Apr 13 '15, 4:23 a.m. | edited Apr 13 '15, 9:24 a.m.

Guido, I would suggest to approach support on this. They provide the iFix and if there are problems deploying it, they should know.

Guido Schneider commented Apr 13 '15, 4:33 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

I already did some weeks ago and again today because of the ifx04 readme.
Now it's written very explicitly to delete this content, so I thought I like to warn people here.
I searched quite long, why my help content is not working anymore, when I felt into this trap in the past.

see you.

Ralph Schoon commented Apr 13 '15, 5:34 a.m.

Guido, thanks for the heads up!

Martha (Ruby) Andrews commented Apr 13 '15, 12:41 p.m.

Hi Guido,
Unfortunately, I do not have the answers to your questions.
However, I have created the following defect to review the instructions in the readme:
Instructions to clear application server cache lose local information  (353210)

Thank you for reporting this!

Martha (Ruby) Andrews
Jazz Foundation L3 Development Team Lead

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Apr 14 '15, 12:39 a.m.
You haven't done anything wrong. The CLM help system is based on the Eclipse Help system, and the content is saved in the Eclipse workspace.
To avoid the problem, you can keep the "clmhelp_war" folder during an iFix deployment - I am not aware of any "fixes" on the help system. Another approach is to host the clmhelp.war on another applications server (WAS or Tomcat).
Guido Schneider selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Bianca Jiang (14124) | answered May 06 '15, 11:06 a.m.

 Guido, you are correct.  We have confirmed that when help is installed using "Local Help Updater", there are help plugins other than those from the help war file got installed into clmhelp_war folder.  Defect Local Help Updater installs some help artifacts under <WebSphere_profile_root_directory>/temp/ directory in WAS (354858) was opened to track this issue.  

The workaround before that is to either reinstall local help or avoid  removing clmhelp_war under WAS profile temp folder.

Thanks for bringing this up!


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Bianca Jiang (14124) | answered Apr 14 '15, 10:44 a.m.
 Guido, what you see is only the cache of the clmhelp, it is not the actual install.
     >> "C:\IBM\WebSphere_85\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv_JTS01\temp\JTS01_Node\server1\clmhelp_war\eclipse" 

 The actual install of clmhelp is usually at (plugins are under WEB-INF/plugins):

If the cache is deleted, the next time server starts, it will get created again.

Guido Schneider commented Apr 17 '15, 4:08 a.m.

Hello Bianca,

this is only the case for the clmhelp.war application but not for the help content. The helpinstaller application is loading the help content directly into temp.



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