Change displaying of attachments in RTC 5.0.1

Hi, in RTC 5.0.1 the attachments in Work Items are now displayed in the form of icons. It looks very nice but it's not practical to quickly scan through all the attachments as the names are truncated and the size/date don't appear. Users have to hover over each attachments to see more info.
Is there a way to revert to the list view as it was in previous versions (or to let users choose how they view the attachments)?
Is there a way to revert to the list view as it was in previous versions (or to let users choose how they view the attachments)?
Accepted answer
One other answer

The Attachments list is shown from the oldest document to the most recent. This is not a good order because to find the most recent document, the user has to go to the end of the list (in the previous version of RTC the order was the opposite); this is not user friendly in case of many documents.
Is it possible to chose the documents order?
Is it possible to chose the documents order?

I'd suggest you to submit a new Forum question for this. I don't think that this is currently possible (but the forum community will be able to confirm or infirm that), in which case you'd probably best submit a new Enhancement request.

I'd suggest you to submit a new Forum question for this. I don't think that this is currently possible (but the forum community will be able to confirm or infirm that), in which case you'd probably best submit a new Enhancement request.