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Sort work item query results by the number of subscribers?

Evan Hughes (2.4k1318) | asked Mar 13 '15, 11:41 a.m.
I'd like to sort a work item query by the number of subscribers on each work item. How can I do that?

3 answers

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Mar 13 '15, 4:17 p.m.
In just looking at the attributes one can include in a query -- probably no way.

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Lawrence Smith (3764) | answered Mar 14 '15, 1:58 p.m.
If you can update the project area there may be a way to keep track using a calculated value script. I haven't tried this but you may be able add an attribute "subscriberCount" to the Type, make it dependent upon Subscribed By, then create a calculated value script that set the value to the number of subscribers.  To update past items, you could make the count dependent on another attribute (e.g., a another dummy attribute) and do a bulk change on the other attribute to trigger the subscriberCount calculation.

Lawrence Smith [IBM]

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Evan Hughes (2.4k1318) | answered Mar 14 '15, 9:56 p.m.
I wrote a script that walks all of the open work items in a category hierarchy and writes a .csv file showing the number of number of subscribers, votes, id, and summary.

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