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Is support of the Eclipse Indigo client (3.7) being dropped for RTC 5.x?

Mike Shkolnik (9809161143) | asked Jun 09 '14, 8:23 p.m.
It appears from the system requirements posted here:

That Eclipse Indigo (3.7) is being dropped from support and the official client versions shipped with RTC 5.0 are now Helios (3.6) and Juno (4.2). This seems odd to drop Indigo while still supporting Helios. Can someone from IBM confirm this and possibly explain why? We have a lot of folks on Indigo with RTC 4.0.6.

Also, will RTC 5.0.1 support Eclipse Luna (4.4)?

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Jun 10 '14, 9:08 a.m.
For the IES Eclipse 3.7, I think it was removed since it's not publicly available to customers. See

For Eclipse 4.4 support, see this plan.

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