Getting error about CleanArchiveApprovalGroupsDueDateTask
I am seeing the following in CLM 5.0 QM log.
2014-05-29 14:53:51,828 [qm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 14:53] ERROR - CRJAZ0852I An exception occurred while executing the task "CleanArchiveApprovalGroupsDueDateTask", contributed by component "". The task will be removed from the schedule. CRJAZ6053E The 'Save Work Item' operation cannot be completed. Permission is required to complete the operation.
I don't see where in Advanced properties where I would set the userID for this task or what userID this task is running under?
One answer
Asynchronous tasks are executed using the ADMIN user ID unless there is an username/password setting in the Advanced Properties. In the case of CleanArchiveApprovalGroupsDueDateTask, there are no
settings in the Advanced Properties. In general, the ADMIN user ID usually has all permissions enabled. However, in your case, the ADMIN user ID does not have the Save Work Item (or a child) permission enabled.
settings in the Advanced Properties. In general, the ADMIN user ID usually has all permissions enabled. However, in your case, the ADMIN user ID does not have the Save Work Item (or a child) permission enabled.