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What are the implications of using process sharing in applications other than RTC?

Stephen Valliere (231418) | asked Mar 18 '14, 11:34 a.m.
Can someone please point me in the direction of information regarding what is shared when using process sharing in RRC and RQM? RTC seems to be very defined and mature because it has been around for a few versions, however I cannot find much information on how it works in RRC especially.

I have done some testing and I noticed that it does allow the sharing of roles and permissions across projects but I am curious what else, if anything is shared and if there are any drawbacks or potential pitfalls from using it in version 4.0.5GA.

Steve V.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 19 '14, 3:55 a.m.

I looked into this for a presentation some time ago. The answer is not trivial unfortunately - and I am not aware of a good source of documentation either.

As a general rule, the process sharing works on the project area level across items that you can manage using "" that you get when clicking "manage project areas". RQM shares roles and some other items with RTC and the sharing works for them. RRC shares less than RQM, I think I remember and what is shared should work. However, most of the process configuration in RRC (and RQM) is managed different compared to RTC and this can not be shared, unfortunately.

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