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Why am I getting permission denied in RQM 4.0.6 when adding a Formal Review?

Wendy Murphy (1512633) | asked May 07 '14, 11:38 a.m.
We are using RQM 4.0.6 I have created a test suite added a test case and now I am adding a Formal Review and I get permission denied. I have full permissions as a role of Team Contributor. I have attached the screen shot any help would be appreciated.
Permission denied

3 answers

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Wendy Murphy (1512633) | answered May 07 '14, 12:26 p.m.
I have resolved this by adding the users as members at the project level. It appears if they are only added at the team level they are unable to execute the formal review process? This does not seem to be correct but it now works.

Jorge Valdeiglesias commented Aug 01 '14, 9:49 a.m. | edited Aug 01 '14, 9:49 a.m.

I have the same problem with RQM 5.0
Makes no sense having teams to organize the project if you have to add them to the Project level anyway.

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Wendy Murphy (1512633) | answered Aug 01 '14, 10:01 a.m.
I actually found out there is a defect in 4.x anyway possibly it is also in 5.0 you cannot modify the permissions for roles in the web if you chose configure for a time period it doesn't write it back to the xml file. You have to make sure that you modify the permissions in the eclipse client otherwise it doesn't work.

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w h (191824) | answered Oct 27 '14, 1:51 p.m.
 Can you elaborate more on the Eclipse Client? I know there is one for RTC but not RQM - are you saying this Formal Review needs to be configured on the RTC side? I'm having a similar issue with RQM Test Case Formal Reviews - can't create them within the Test Case, even after giving the role every permission. We're using 4.0.3, upgraded from   Thanks

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