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What is non atomic deliver error?

Shuchita Tripathi (31436595) | asked May 20 '14, 1:56 a.m.

I have to get this error and give the resolution for a troubleshooting document.

Can anyone tell me what is non-atomic deliver error and how to acheive it? All I know is that it is caused because of linking change sets associated with different components to a single work item.

Geoffrey Clemm commented May 20 '14, 3:03 a.m.

Can you get a copy of the exact error message, what version of which client was being used, and how the deliver operation was requested?

long TRUONG commented Apr 01 '19, 12:16 p.m.

 Got same error on RTC 405: User, role developer, delivered the changeset.

In this case could it have been literally as the error message stated: a changeset missing from the deliver operation? 
Non-atomic deliver error message

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