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Create work item from a template -error

Zica Valsan (10124845) | asked Jul 01 '14, 11:03 a.m.

we have a customer using CCM 4.0.4. I need to create  for them a work item from a template.
The template is a User story which has the following particularities: it uses 4 children and 24 Copies. Each of them being actually another user story.
The process of creating the template run smoothly and I could save it properly.
Nevertheless, when trying to create a new WI from:  Work Item/New/Create Work Item from the template I have gotten this error: Cannot create work items specified by the template. Validation errors for item: type=AuditableLink, itemID=[UUID_Iff...]. Value of attribute "targetRef.comment" is 262 bytes, which is greater than the allowed encoded lenghts of 250 bytes. [Link URI Details: Link type id:]

I thoughts  initially that there is an issue with thie US and I have created a very simple one without any children or links. The same error (only the size is now different for the attribute 300 bytes).

I have had a look at the Configuration Data/Work Items/Types and Attributes/ Story but I haven't found any attribute with the name targetRef.
Any clue on how to solve this out?

Thank you,

sam detweiler commented Jul 02 '14, 8:38 a.m.

My guess is that the problem is the

type=AuditableLink... Link URI Details: Link type id:]


targetRef is the internal program variable name, so you won't see at anywhere
I don't know what is considered the 'comment' variable. the template XML has a group of copies elements inside a copies element.

One answer

permanent link
Zica Valsan (10124845) | answered Jul 02 '14, 8:14 a.m.
I have added the xml file from the template created.
Not sure where to look for the Value of attribute "targetRef.comment as I can't found it in this xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rtc_cm:WorkItemTemplate xmlns:rtc_cm="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:dc="">
<dc:title>Template for UserStories and Child Tasks -Theme 2</dc:title>
< rdf:ID="item0">
<rtc_cm:filedAgainst rdf:resource="Dynamite"/>
<rtc_cm:plannedFor rdf:resource="/Name_NameTimeline/Name_Name"/>
<dc:description>Infos for Details:&lt;br/&gt;Tags: &lt;br/&gt;- specify the timeframe: insight = October release, eoy-2014 = December release&lt;br/&gt;- always specify the theme number: e.g. dynamite-theme-2&lt;br/&gt;Planned for: Dynamite Backlog or the exact sprint e.g. Dynamite Sprint 31&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Infos for Description:&lt;br/&gt;Impacted Area (e.g. Console, Managed service, DB2):&lt;br/&gt;Dependencies: if adequate. summarize&lt;br/&gt;Required skills: pls specify within the tasks.&lt;br/&gt;If adequate, create sub-userstories for partial or optional flows.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Tab &amp;quot;Links&amp;quot;: Please attach the Scenario (Design Thinking) - probably in presentation form - to this UserStory&lt;br/&gt;</dc:description>
<dc:title>Template for: User Story</dc:title>
<rtc_cm:subscribers rdf:resource=""/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
< rdf:resource="https://server_name/jazz/resource/itemOid/"/>
<rtc_cm:task rdf:ID="item1">
<rtc_cm:filedAgainst rdf:resource="Dynamite"/>
<rtc_cm:plannedFor rdf:resource="/Name_NameTimeline/Name_Name"/>
<dc:description>This is a placeholder for the QA tasks related to a User Story e.g. Create testplan, execute Testcase review etc.</dc:description>
<dc:title>Template for: Task for QA</dc:title>
<rtc_cm:subscribers rdf:resource=""/>
< rdf:resource="#item0"/>
<rtc_cm:task rdf:ID="item2">
<rtc_cm:filedAgainst rdf:resource="Dynamite"/>
<rtc_cm:plannedFor rdf:resource="/Name_NameTimeline/Name_Name"/>
<dc:description>Please describe the ID (Information Development) work that needs to be done by dev &amp;amp; ID person.</dc:description>
<dc:title>Template for: Task for ID</dc:title>
<rtc_cm:subscribers rdf:resource=""/>
< rdf:resource="#item0"/>
<rtc_cm:task rdf:ID="item3">
<rtc_cm:filedAgainst rdf:resource="Dynamite"/>
<rtc_cm:plannedFor rdf:resource="/Name_NameTimeline/Name_Name"/>
<dc:description>Please open further tasks for developement if adequate.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Info Description:&lt;br/&gt;Skill required: &lt;br/&gt;Task(s) for engineering:&lt;br/&gt;</dc:description>
<dc:title>Template for: Task for Development</dc:title>
<rtc_cm:subscribers rdf:resource=""/>
< rdf:resource="#item0"/>
<rtc_cm:task rdf:ID="item4">
<rtc_cm:filedAgainst rdf:resource="Dynamite"/>
<rtc_cm:plannedFor rdf:resource="/Name_NameTimeline/Name_Name"/>
<dc:description>This is the task that is to be done by another hill, on which this User-Story is dependant.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Infos for Details:&lt;br/&gt;- Owner (e.g. Hill owner who will assign to developers)&lt;br/&gt;- Tags: dynamite-theme-X&lt;br/&gt;- Due Date: when is the latest delivery date &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Infos for Description:&lt;br/&gt;Please explain the dependency.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Tab &amp;quot;Links&amp;quot;:&lt;br/&gt;Please add the &amp;quot;Related&amp;quot; user story or task &lt;br/&gt;</dc:description>
<dc:title>Template for: Task for Dependency</dc:title>
<rtc_cm:subscribers rdf:resource=""/>
< rdf:resource="#item0"/>

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