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What is the difference between requestTeamBuild and startTeamBuild?

Makson Lee (41044241) | asked Jul 02 '14, 6:25 a.m.
In the document, it says that startTeamBuild task starts a Rational Team Concertâ„¢ Build from either a new or existing build request,.

I don't understand, why a build request need to be started by startTeamBuild.

Also, if you don't specify requestUUID and have buildDefinitionId and engineId set in startTeamBuild, it will start a new build, does the same thing as requestTeamBuild?

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Jul 02 '14, 7:45 a.m.
Hi Makson,
By my understanding startTeamBuild can do more than requestTeamBuild. As the document says, it can start a build from an existing build request. A usage is to change the build request execution order.
You can see the discussion for a use case of startTeamBuild.
Makson Lee selected this answer as the correct answer

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