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Suspect link in Impact Analysis Diagram - Design Manager

V Niranjan (12545374) | asked Mar 11 '14, 1:59 a.m.

Is there a way if a Suspect can be marked in Impact Analysis diagram created in Design Manager 4.0.6.

For e.g if a Design Manager Artifact is linked to multiple requirements in RRC then if there is a change to the DM artifact will a suspect be shown in the Impact Analysis diagram.

I am aware of Suspect as a feature in RRC but would like to know if there is a similar feature in Impact analysis diagram of DM.

Niranjan V

One answer

permanent link
James Conallen (761) | answered Mar 18 '14, 1:27 p.m.
The simple answer is no.  Design Management's impact analysis diagrams do not manage any additional meta information about relationships/links that could be used to 'tag' a link as suspect or not.

The impact analysis diagram is a dynamic diagram that displays relationships between resources both within and to resources outside of DM.  Marking a link as suspect would require additional information to be stored, which the impact analysis functionality presently does not do.

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