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How to generate report for DM, DNG, QM from JRS for traceability.

Anirudha Punekar (42111) | asked Feb 01 '19, 1:32 a.m.
Hello All,

I am using CLM version 6.0.5 and I have a requirement to generate report for traceability for DNG, QM and DM. I have found some links that suggest we can use SPARQL for having the reports for DM as it is not directly supported in JRS ( though Technology Preview option can be used, but not recommended for Production).

We can view DM report in RELM, and have tried to use the SPARQL queries generated there as reference point for generating report in JRS.
Does anyone have any reference link for SPARQL queries that can be used for generating DM reports in JRS.

Thanks in advance.

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