How to create a simple query using the RSA Design Manager query editor?
Find all the UML Ports that are of type ShippingService.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this using the RSA DM Query Editor -- I can't figure out what would be the proper conditions and how to define them. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Accepted answer
Hope this helps.
Thomas Mattsson
Thank you very much for your help!
As I'm certain you understand, there are some real challenges in using the DM query editor to create useful queries. The issues include:
- Information overload. There are many times more schema elements to sift through than is the case in the other CLM tools. Where are the references we can use to understand the available schema elements?
- Lack of examples and helpful guidances. There is a nice article on creating RTC queries, but there is no equivalent article for DM -- and we sorely need one! There are enough differences between querying in DM and quering in the other CLM tools to warrant a DM - specific article. Sample differences include the following:
- Setting up property chains. What is this all about, how is it useful, and how is it done?
- Property resource conditions and property value conditions. How are they used?
I've opened DM Query editor need additional documentation (43761) to track improved documentation on this.
For now, there's a video that will demonstrate some of the query editor features:
As for property chains, they can be used to follow several properties. Let's say you want to find all the UML ports that have a type that in turn has a dependency to a certain element. Property chains would allow to create queries like that.
Property resource conditions follow properties that ends to certain resources, i.e. object properties. Resources that should match can be selected from the project.
Property value conditions follow properties that ends with a literal which in turn can be filtered.