Instalation of Insight for Windows tomcat (derby)4.0.5 server
Hi All,
I have already installed and worked 4.0.1 tomcat server for serverextension development. Now I want to have fresh installation of 4.0.5 apache tomcat(derby) server for serverextension development. And along with that we are planing to use Insight in future.
So I want to set up insight along with my 4.0.5 tocat(Derby). but in below link it doesnt allow to selet Derby and RRDI istallation together.
So its not possible to set up RRDI for Derby?
Before Insight Do I need to install RRDI?
Is there way I can have both tocat server for serverextensions and Insight for investigation and customising reports according to our process configuration in RTC.
And The custumised reports can be used/deployed to production Insight(may be oracle/IBM DB2)?
Please let me know,its stopping me to progress in my installation process.
2 answers
An enterprise DB
Can I get link .. Its not possible for Derby?
Your link above is for CLM - which supports Derby and Tomcat.
There is a separate section for RRDI which you get if you select the checkbox for RRDI
RRDI, Insight are based on Cognos and don't Support Tomcat or derby, unfortunately. This is a big drawback for me,e.g. for demo scenarios, but it is a fact, as far as I know.
RRDI Supported DB's
See more data in the related section.
In a non-evaluation scenario, for database support, flavors of DB2, Oracle and SQL Server are supported. in addition to what Ralph provided, you can also use this link to check for product/version support:
Search for Rational Insight, select the version and OS of interest and it will give you all this info on the "Pre-requisites" tab.
Hope this helps.