How to empty space from the DB2 integrated RTC by deleting stream.
Is there any way to clean up the database when we delete the stream?
One answer
Even if the amount of data was bigger, I doubt the DB size would really get smaller. I would assume the size would remain because the DB has this size already allocated, but it would now have the space free for other data.
You can delete individual file versions e.g. big binaries:
But I am not aware of any means to delete all data (change sets/file versions) in a stream at once.
Thanks Ralph, but this will delete only single version,where as my requirement is to delete the migrated stream and its whole content so as to maintain the sanity of database.
I don't think there is anything that is supposed to do that built in. An SCM system is usually designed to not loose data, because that is bad.
Please be aware, that change sets are shared between streams and workspaces. If you have the same components in one stream and delete all the contained change sets, there is a good chance that you are also deleting all or most of the data of the other stream(s) and render you whole work obsolete.
You can probably look at the SCM commandline or into the API for potential automation if you think you know the consequences, but I would suggest to not try this.