Could not find jts.xml and ccm.xml files in /JTS/server/tomcat/conf/catalina/localhost path in linux

I am trying to change the Form based authentication to basic authentication in the JTS 4.0 on linux machine
where i have changed all the web.xml files .But in the fallowing path i Could not find jts.xml and ccm.xml files in /JTS/server/tomcat/conf/catalina/localhost .
Is these files are there in JTS 4.0 ...
Where i need to edit the fallowing value
<Context crossContext="true">
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.BasicAuthenticator"
characterEncoding="UTF-8" />
Accepted answer

Tomcat 7 has changed in a way so that there is no longer a server/tomcat/conf/catalina/localhost/<appName>.xml file by default. Instead, you modify the file at server/tomcat/webapps/<appName>/META-INF/context.xml.
For more information, you can see the "Defining a context" section of
By the way, are you following instructions somewhere to change a CLM application to BASIC auth? If so, I'd like to see if it needs to be updated. If you are using, then there is a comment I added at the bottom of the article mentioning the new file location for Tomcat 7.
For more information, you can see the "Defining a context" section of
By the way, are you following instructions somewhere to change a CLM application to BASIC auth? If so, I'd like to see if it needs to be updated. If you are using, then there is a comment I added at the bottom of the article mentioning the new file location for Tomcat 7.