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Make learning RTC as easy for me as learning git

William McNeill (134) | asked Dec 18 '13, 5:52 p.m.
edited Dec 18 '13, 6:43 p.m.
I am trying to learn the source control aspects of Rational Team Concert. With any other source control system--CVS, Subversion, git--the process is simple. You set up a tiny project on your laptop with yourself as the sole user and use it to create and modify a couple of files. I installed the RTC server and client components, went to the tutorials that popped up on the Eclipse welcome screen and promptly got lost. In order to set up a simple project I needed to install an RTC server, which led me to pages about designing my network topology, at which point I gave up. I don't have a network topology, I have a single laptop. I'd like to separate heavy-duty system administration tasks from quick exploration of the product.

Is there a written tutorial that will take me step-by-step through setting up an RTC configuration on a single machine, then having a client add and change a couple of files? Something comparable in scope and simplicity to the handful of web pages in the "Git Basics" chapter of the Pro Git book?

I don't need to be sold on the RTC's distinctive features at this point. I just need some help getting past its barrier to entry, which on first glance appears higher than that of free open source competing products.

sam detweiler commented Dec 18 '13, 9:14 p.m.

those others appear 'easy' cause source is all they do.  RTC is a big elephant in comparison.

you got lost at the enterprise instructions..
download the installation manager, and the installation manager install bundle.
follw the IM based instructions..  and in under 10 minutes you'll have RTC server running (CLM function, RM, QM and CCM)..
want the shorter path.. download the standalone zip, unzip,
and run the server/server.startup script.
then for either do the server setup

I hit enter thru most of the screens.. taking the defaults.. runs great for a few users.
but there is a lot more capability than source.. and the install is a lot more too.

then you DO have some admin you have to do.
you have to create  a project, which contains no source.
then you have to define the source container (component).
then you can create your server side storage area (called a workspace)
no one sees this but you.  you 'check in' code from your workstation to the workspace.
if its not on the server, its not saved in RTC.

sam detweiler commented Dec 18 '13, 9:17 p.m.

I on the other hand do not get 'git'. I installed the server on my local lan, and
the client on my workstation.  (trying similar topology as RTC).
and I have some existing non-java projects I want to save at the server, like RTC.
no clue what to do.

Ginny Ghezzo commented Dec 24 '13, 3:21 p.m.

This is not an answer, but you might check out Jazz Hub as a more simple approach :

2 answers

permanent link
sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Dec 18 '13, 9:33 p.m.
go here

and start with step 2.

step 1 says
To get started quickly with a small deployment by using the default topology and Apache Derby databases, go to the next step and install the server. Apache Derby deployments are limited to 10 users and do not support cross-domain reports.

permanent link
N Z (36212127) | answered Feb 03 '14, 10:00 p.m.
 Hmmm, I don't know what to tell you.

I've used and set up many version control and configuration managements systems, including open source ones, and complex ones such as ClearCase and Dimensions.

I've got to say, that the version control component of RTC is very confusing (and also weak). The web client is limited, the Explorer shell is limited and the Eclipse client is very confusing and easy to get lost. Conceptually, it's not really that different to other products, but I think it's harder than it needs to be.

The version control component is one that I find to be a hard sell.

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