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Data migration form system with IBM DB2 9.7 to new system having IBM DB2 10.5

shalini saini (162027) | asked Aug 14 '14, 8:01 a.m.
edited Aug 20 '14, 4:35 p.m. by Stephanie Taylor (24115)
If IBM DB 10.5 is installed freshly on new Linux box can the data from thebox having IBM DB2 9.7 be migrated to it?
Same question  applies when WAAS 8.5 is installed on new box can the data be migrated from other box having prior version?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Aug 15 '14, 7:30 a.m.
You should be able to restore a DB2 9.7 backup into a DB2 10.5 database, but I think most people on this forum will not have enough practical experience to give any detailed instructions, me included. You can check with your DBA to confirm. Otherwise, you can just treat it as a database migration between different vendors (the process is vendor neutral). For WAS, check the upgrade guide in the knowledge center.

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