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How to install RTC plugin in the Rational Application Developer for WebSphere on a MAC?

Accepted answer

You can use either Installation Manager or Eclipse p2 install. It shouldn't be any different from other supported platforms. What versions of RAD and RTC are you going to install and what exact problem do you have?

Hi Donald, thanks for your answer. I have RAD 9 on a MAC. I tried to use the option Help/Install New Software then selected the .zip files downlaoded from the jazz.net site and it gives the error message saying "it could not find jar".
I tried the RTC Client for Mac versions RTC-Client-Mac-4.0.7.zip and RTC-Client-Mac-6.0.2.zip

I see where I committed a mistake: I was pointing to the file RTC-Client-Mac-4.0.7.zip instead of pointing it to RTC-Client-p2Repo-4.0.6.zip.
Thanks for the help