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RTC server and client upgradation from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0

I am very new to RTC.
I am trying to migrate RTC3.0.0 to RTC4.0.0.
We have been given a test server(linux) for RTC migration. I have installed RTC3.0.0 in my test server and tried to create tables using repotool command line. The tables are successfully created in oracle DB. Now I am trying to export data from my existing db and import that data into my test db. Here I am getting data conflict issues. During tables creation in my test server some tables created with some data so i am gatting data conflict issues while importing data.
We are using CCM and JTS applications. We are using RTC for repository purpose not using for building purpose.
Could you please help me here to go further if i am going in proper way. If not please suggest me the procedure for efficient migration.
Thanks in advance.
Migration details:
Current version of RTC: 3.0.0
Upgrading to 4.0.0
Database using: oracle
Application server: Tomcat
Environment: Linux
Accepted answer

Hi Rameshbabu,
For the testing environment, are you going to export the production data and import to the testing environment?
Then you should not use "repotools -addTables" to create tables in the testing database. The "repotools -import" will create the tables and import data.
You can following the steps in http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v3r0m1/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_migrate_derby_oracle.html which also works for Oracle to Oracle migration.
One more thing you need to be careful is as RTC 3.0.3 doesn't support server rename, you should isolate the network between testing environment and production environment, and also ensure RTC clients can not access both servers.
Please do backup for the production database before you take the action.

Thanks a lot for help Lily Wang.
Yes we are trying to export data from production db and import into test db.
I have used "repotools -createTables" command to create tables in test db.
As migration from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0 is a two step procedure, we are first upgrading the server to 3.0.1 and then upgrading to 4.0.0.
Does it supports server rename?
As of now I will follow the document which you have shared for data import and I will get back to you if any issues are there.

Hi Rameshbabu,
I'm sorry for the typing error.
For the test DB, you don't need to run "repotools -createTables". You can just run "repotools -import" directly.
For the server rename feature, it's only available since CLM 4.0 version. Before you upgrade to RTC 4.0, you can not do server rename. So you need to make sure the network isolation between testing servers and production servers.
You can know more about server rename from https://jazz.net/library/article/818

Thank you Lily wang. My database import process is in progress.
I will let you know If I get any issues. Thanks alot for help.

Hi Again,
My JTS database import was successful. But the import of CCM application is taking very long time. Import of CCM database is in-progress since one week. Could you please tel me that, is it ok if it takes this much long time.

What size of the DB you have?
I imported about 20GB database in 9 hours.
I used "Migrating databases" procedure from http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m4/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_migrate_dbs.html

Thanks for your response Bentsi Magidovich.
Even I am following the same procedure. My database size is 21.590332 GB. Import is in progress since last Tuesday. I could see from the log ,that the items are getting imported. But I am not able to understand why it is taking this much time? Could you please help me here to trace out the issue?
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