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Can RTC client 4.0 be integrated with RSA 8.0.2?

Accepted answer

Q1. which version of RSA can be integrated with RTC 4.0 ?
Q2. which version of RTC client can be integrated with RSA8.0.2 ?
A2. From my knowledge it should work on RTC 3.0.1.
Please let us know if it helps for you.
2 other answers

RTC 4.0.3 starts to have two versions of the client, one for Eclipse 4.2 and one for lower versions of Eclipse.
Previous versions of RTC did not support Eclipse 4.
RSA 8.0.2 is based on Eclipse 3.6
RSA 8.5 is based on Eclipse 3.6
RSA 9 is based on Eclipse 4.2
RTC 4.0.3 Client for Eclipse 4 is the only one that integrates with RSA 9.
For RSA 8.0.2 the highest supported integration is with RTC and RTC 3.0 and higher FixPacks.

(Normally a FixPack changes the 4th digit, however there are some execptions, where a release that changed the 3rd digit is actually a FixPack, and will not show in the above site).

Thanks Lara. This is very useful for us.

Hi Lara.. when I read the compatibility report, I saw some comments like "RSA integrates with RTC only." Does it mean I need to install RTC first then install RSA into the same package group, it won't work if I change the installation order?

Hello Kevin,
I do not expect that you have such ordering requirements. Provided you have chosen compatible versions, you can install RSA first and RTC after.
Just be aware that after you install RTC in RSA, in Windows>Preferences>General>Capabilities
there will be a new capability called "Jazz Source Control".
Make sure that you enable this capability (you should get prompted when you attempt to use RTC functions, but if you do not see that prompt, enable it manually).
Thank you, Lara