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What are the impacts of consolidating multiple projects (with different templates: Proj Mngmt, and SCRUM) in RTC into one?

We are looking to consolidate two different projects in RTC. One project was implimented using the Project Management template, and has one custom work item. The other RTC Project has multiple work items, custom work items, as well as linked to RQM, and RRC.
What is the best practice for consolidating multiple projects?
What are the possible impacts of consolidating the projects?
We understand that it would be allot better to have created the project with all of the work items within one project, instead of multiple projects; however we want to move forward with getting this implimented the best way as soon as possible. Please advise.
Accepted answer

Hello Tony,
so you have 2 customized PA's:
1 - PA1 - FPM Template and a custom work item
2 - PA2 - Template? and has multiple work items, custom work items, as well as linked to RQM, and RRC
What do you want to achieve?
--> merge the 2 PA's and extract a new Process Template from it - right?
To my knowledge, there is no "merge" tool - so you need to manually merge modifications from one PA to another.
As PA2 seems to have most of the modifications, and PA1 only has a single customized work item, I would vote for merging the modifications from PA1 to PA2.
When done, tested and validated, extract a process template from PA2,
and create a new PA3 based on this template.
Do you also want to convert existing work items?
In this case, you will have to use the bulk move feature to move all work items from PA1 and PA2 to PA3 - https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/BulkMoveWorkItemsBetweenProjectAreas
Once all work items are moved, in the Eclipse Client, create a query in PA3 that will return all work items, select all, and synchronize attributes.
You will then have to fix any error (ex: missing attribute value)
Hope it helps,