Export/Import of Work Items - How to retain IDs?
6 answers
Workaround (for the benefit of others):
I had WIs with IDs from 124 to 925 on RTC server A. I had to move all the WIs to RTC server B with the same ID numbers. I created dummy WIs on RTC server B using dummy CSV file (dummy rows) with IDs from 1 to 925. Then I updated the WIs with the actual CSV file that I exported from RTC server A. So all of my WIs got updated and the dummy WIs (1 to 123) were moved to a different project and I will delete those WIs one a day :)
sam detweiler
Sep 04 '12, 9:28 a.m.no.. IDs are NOT importable.. they are a generated value. (thus why moving data is so complicated)