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Newbie question regarding form format possibilities - like excel checklist

shawn urquhart (122) | asked Nov 06 '13, 9:07 p.m.
 Hi guys.

Just a question regarding possible form formatting. Is there a way to create a section with multiple checklist style lines (tight like in Excel) with a functional check-box for each line like Waiting, In-progress and Closed. A control variable may be switched once all items marked Complete 'OR' calculate percentage of tasks still needing to be completed and therefore giving a progress value.

This would be tremendously helpful for my project.



2 answers

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Nov 06 '13, 10:54 p.m.
Hi, Shawn

It is possible in RTC to create a custom enumeration type of attribute in a workitem and use some logic such as dependency to trigger other actions based on the state or value of other attributes and so on. I would suggest to start with this article:
(there are more articles in library and you can search for customization:

Hopefully this helps you to start with.


shawn urquhart commented Nov 06 '13, 11:37 p.m.

Thanks - will take a look and work through over next few days to identify if this is of help and to what extent. Appreciate the advice in advance.


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Aradhya K (1.4k54345) | answered Nov 06 '13, 11:00 p.m.
Have you tried exploring the planning capabilities of RTC.
This provides you a view of work items almost similar to the way you have explained and it is also quite flexible.
Check out for further understanding of planning capability.

shawn urquhart commented Nov 06 '13, 11:37 p.m.

 Thanks - will take a look and work through over next few days to identify if this is of help and to what extent. Appreciate the advice in advance.


shawn urquhart commented Nov 07 '13, 6:30 p.m.

 Had a good read through the Planning doco. It's a big shift from how our team currently work. I can see some nice points but don't think we can align to that. Need to take a deeper look into it but initially we're after something a bit more stripped down - don't need all the functionality around individual tasks - just a simple method of toggling a standard list of tasks that are common to multiple projects. No cheap and easy answers here - yet.

Millard Ellingsworth commented Nov 12 '13, 5:19 p.m.

"simple method of toggling a standard list of tasks" --  have you looked at work item templates? I'll admit I don't quite understand your application yet, but "standard list of tasks" sounds like something related to work item templates (which are a way to instantiate multiple work items at once that have a given relationship to each other).

That may not be it, so can you expand your description of what you are trying to accomplish? Perhaps a bit less about the assumed mechanics and more about your overall goal?

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